The Stadtmanufaktur Zirkel
30 cities, 250 contacts, 3 circles: our exclusive industry network
In the three Stadtmanufaktur Zirkel (city development circles) we discuss the future issues of city marketing and location promotion.
In this way, we as Stadtmanufaktur promote complex thinking processes, contribute to the confidential exchange of expertise at eye level and accompany the change processes for the future of the city. We contact the participants personally and invite them to the Zirkel Stadtmarketing (city marketing circle), Zirkel Standortförderung (location promotion circle) or Zirkel Mittelstädte (medium-sized cities circle). The moderation takes place together with Christoph Thoma from Culturelab.
Zirkel Stadtmarketing
The Zirkel Stadtmarketing brings together managing directors from the city marketing and tourism marketing departments of cities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland on a regular basis and in an exclusive circle to discuss the current challenges of marketing and positioning a city in an intensive dialog.
The central questions:
Zirkel Standortförderung
The Zirkel Standortförderung brings together managing directors of business promotion institutions and responsible heads of offices from cities in the DACH region. Together with them, we discuss the current challenges of location promotion.
The central questions:
Zirkel Mittelstädte
In the Zirkel Mittelstädte, we bring together managing directors and exciting city makers from DACH cities with fewer than 100,000 inhabitants. The unifying element of all circle members? The marketing of the city – sometimes with a focus on city marketing and tourism, sometimes in relation to city marketing and business development, sometimes in the context of all parameters of the city.
The central questions:
Voices from our circle network
The circle provides concentrated specialist knowledge and a huge wealth of experience in one place. “How do you actually do it in …?” – The open exchange with colleagues and the concrete answers to your own questions are worth their weight in gold. It helped me a lot to categorize my own work and discover new approaches.
Dennis Andres, Managing Director, Hameln Marketing und Tourismus GmbH
Thinking outside the box is essential. Reflecting on one’s own activities while taking into account important interfaces, such as urban planning or city marketing, provides valuable impetus for day-to-day work. With its new format, Stadtmanufaktur offers a triple effect in two senses: at the interfaces that are important to me as a business developer and in the cross-border view of the DACH region. Very valuable input and access to a constructive network.
Theresa Winkels, Head of Office, Economic Development Office, Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf
The CEO Circle is a very exciting format that provides new and interesting insights into the challenges and developments of city marketing every time. Just as inspiring as the respective presentations and workshops are, of course, the discussions with colleagues on the sidelines, so that you can always take something away for “your” city.
Jan Koormann, Managing Director, Lingen Wirtschaft & Tourismus GmbH